My Stepdad Bared Me from My Waist Down to Spank Me at Age 13 at a Family Barbeque
When I was thirteen and we were at our stepdad's brother's house for a 4th of July weekend barbeque. My younger brother Matt and I started fighting and arguing about something and were running around and our stepdad told us to stop or we'd get spanked right in front of everyone. But we didn't stop and ended up tipping over a potted plant, breaking it and he called us over.
We didn't immediately listen, so he called us again, even more sternly. When we approached, he grabbed me first while yelling at Matt. But Matt talked back so he let me go for the moment and grabbed Matt, as I stood there. He then grabbed Matt's shorts and briefs, yanking them both down to his knees at the same time, spun him around and then spanked him about ten times on his bare butt, as Matt cried and tried to pull his t-shirt down in front of himself since my stepdad's young nieces (who were about 7 and 5 at the time) were standing there and giggling at Matt.
When he was done with Matt, who ran off to a corner of the yard, embarrassed and crying, I was next. Only I didn't have a long t-shirt on to try to yank down lower. Just a tank top that exposed my midriff. My stepdad was already upset at me that my mom let me wear that, along with shorts, and now I was wishing I had worn a longer top.
He then made me turn around (my back toward him) as he placed his fingers inside my shorts and panties to pull them both down in one swoop like he did to Matt. As I prepared for the inevitable, I remember looking down at the ground to avoid eye contact with his two teenage nephews who were standing there grinning, as well as a young couple sitting nearby and several other of my stepdad's relatives.
But my shorts were on too tight. So my stepdad yelled and swore at me to turn around. When I did, he started undoing the snap and zipper on my shorts and they were soon down at my knees.
It was pretty darn hot and I had brought a bathing suit to change into later, as my stepdad's brother and his wife had a pool. But it's just as well that I hadn't. My stepdad obviously wouldn't have had any problem pulling my bikinis bottoms down!
With my shorts at my knees and slipping down towards my ankles, my stepdad then spun me around by my hips and grabbed the sides of my panties, as his two teenage nephews looked at me and smirked.
He then pulled my panties down off my hips, lowering them inside-out down over my thighs. I gasped in horror knowing my mound, my wispy though still sparse pubic hair and my slit were fully visible.
Just then another guest walked over from behind me (and my fully exposed rear end) and told him that his brother needed help in the house with something (turns out, his brother had burnt the meat and needed my stepdad to run to the store).
As they chatted for over a minute, closer to two, I stood there, exposed, my stepdad's nephews grinning and pointing (thank God that was before camera phones!). Though my panties were still barely caught up between my legs, I was otherwise fully exposed and of course my whole backside was, too, to anyone looking at me from behind.
Finally, I was told, ''I'll deal with you later.'' (luckily, my mom intervened when we got home). The guest, a middle-aged woman, looked down at me, chuckled and walked away.
My stepdad then got up and walked away, too, but only after slapping me once on my thigh instead of my butt as I turned. As his two nephews stared, grinned and pointed at me, I pulled up my panties and shorts and ran off crying to find my mom.
That was one time I had certainly been misbehaving just as bad as brother Matt. But I was spared more embarrassment that day simply by luck. There was no other reason that I didn't end up feeling the shame and embarrassment Matt felt every time we saw our stepdad's relatives after that, especially those that witnessed him exposed and spanked.
It wouldn't have been the first time I would have been spanked on my bare butt. I already had been several times since starting school. The last time had been just about a year earlier when the mother of a boy whom I hit on his butt with a ping pong paddle after he hit with it paddled me with it - right in front of my girlfriend's stepbrother and his friends who were attending his birthday party. But those who saw me exposed and spanked that day were mostly strangers who I'd seldom see again. Not that that wasn't embarrassing in and of itself. But not as much so as being shamed like that in front of relatives and other people you know.
But maybe if my stepdad had spanked me in front of his relatives that day and I felt the shame Matt felt, standing there bottomless, it would have made me understood better how Matt felt, instead of me thinking I had ''gotten away with it'' and at the time not really feeling sorry for Matt that he was embarrassed since we had been arguing.
I really was at that point still insensitive to what he was going through. But I'm sure I wouldn't have been as insensitive if I left that day as red-faced and red-bottomed as he was. And who knows? Maybe if I had gotten a number of spankings like that from my stepdad in front of his relatives, maybe with me being a girl someone would have talked some sense into him whereas no one did with concern to Matt.
Or maybe my parents would have divorced sooner and Matt would have been spared some of the hell he went through. Maybe. If so, how could I not feel that frequent spankings like that would have been worth it, even if I wouldn't have immediately realized it through the shame at the time?
Your stepdad was very wrong. But only because he spanked your brother and not you too! He already had your panties mostly down. He should have finished the job, then dealt with the errand issue. You had been warned. That people saw your girlie parts was your choice.