Jul 26, 2015

Teenage Girl Commits Suicide After Being Publicly Humiliated by her Asshole of a Father

It's this kind of crap that makes you favor chemical castration of assholes like this. And to Deanna Venable, who posted on Facebook: "This father will regret his actions for the rest of his life."

Regret? A piece of cow dung like that most likely couldn't care less. That asshole doesn't deserve anyone's pity. He deserves a JAIL SENTENCE!

Teenage Girl Commits Suicide After Being Publicly Humiliated by her Ahole of a Father

Posted by Becky Romero on Friday, November 27, 2015


  1. I am appalled at the father, but it was not a sexual assault. What is your reason for suggestions for castration?

  2. Three

    Throw the guy off a cliff. But it was not a sexual assault. How did pull chemical castration out of your hat.
